This year, following a very successful summer school class, we are hoping to start a printing class on Monday mornings, 10am- 12 noon. This class will be tutored by Dorothy Black. The printing class will be included in our programme of tutored classes.
Soon, on Monday 2nd September, 2-3pm and 7-8 pm, also Tuesday, 7-8pm, enrolment for all adult classes will take place at Kirkcaldy Art Club, Hot Pot Wynd, Dysart , Kirkcaldy.
Enrolment for the children's art class, Hot Pot Kids Art, will take place at the club also on Monday 2nd September, 4.30 - 5.30.
There will be one printing class on Mondays, 10 - 12. There will also be five painting classes on offer, Monday 2-4pm, Tuesday 2-4pm, Tuesday 7-9 pm, Wednesday 7-9 pm, and Thursday 10 12 noon. The children's art class will be Mondays, 4.30 - 5.30 pm. There will be four pottery classes, Monday 10-12 noon, Monday evening 7-9 pm, Tuesday evening 7-9 pm, and Wednesday afternoon, 2-4pm. All classes are tutored and are suitable for experienced painters and potters and also for beginners.
People can also join Kirkcaldy Art Club without taking a weekly class. Being a member provides access to non tutored classes, ie Wednesday afternoon painting and the Wednesday morning craft group, also access to demos by visiting artists and to sign up for workshops led also by visiting artists.
Further information is available on our website,, or from Morag Allan at or on 01592 267641.
An opportunity to see round the Art Club and meet members will be at Doors Open, on Sunday, 8th September, 11am -4 pm. There will be members' work on display including paintings, pottery, glass, cards, jewellery and other craft items, lots to see.
On 15th August some of our members went to East Wemyss for an unveiling of paintings. Some of our members volunteered to produce paintings to hang in East Wemyss Care home. The brief was to have local themes, local scenes and they were to be interactive. Mandy from the care home came along with residents to see progress and now the 4 paintings are hanging in the Care home. The paintings done by Bill Bruce, Vera Lethbridge and Duncan Gilfillan look fantastic and are a real talking point among residents, staff and visitors.
Below you can see some photos of the finished paintings. Next week you should also be able to read about this project in the local press.