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Almost the end of our Summer classes

On Saturday 26th May Irene Thomson, our Monday evening tutor, led a group of ten people in 'Painting / drawing at Pittenweem. Everyone arrived at 10 am for an early start. Participants then set off to choose where they wanted to draw / paint, trying to find a position sheltered from the cold sea breeze. Irene circulated round the group giving encouragement and 'pointers' specific to individual pieces of work. At lunchtime people had a well earned break, either a picnic or a visit to the new bistro near the harbour. Everyone, including those 'out of their comfort zone' had a wonderful time working in this beautiful picturesque village. 'Excellent' and 'fantastic' were some of the words used by members of this class to describe their experience - obviously a great day. This coming weekend, Saturday 2nd June, 1 pm - 5 pm, Irene will once again be leading her intrepid artists but, at a different venue, 'Painting / drawing in the garden at Glassmount House'. This garden participates in Scotland's Gardens Scheme and it is a beautiful wide ranging garden with views over the Forth to Edinburgh.There will be plenty of choices to make, the duck pond, the amazing buildings within the garden, the pathways, the flowers and more. Also on this weekend is Raku Firing at a new venue this year, Cheryl's livery. Everyone from the pottery there will be excited to see their work being fired in a different way, in oil drums. No one ever knows how items will turn out until the process is finished - an exciting day in all ways. Still to come is our final Summer school class, 'Art at the Harbour', set around Dysart Harbour, led by Bill Bruce.This takes place over two days, Tuesday and Wednesday, 12th and 13th June. Participants can do both days or either day. Bill is an experienced watercolour artist who is very skilled at supporting newcomers and also experienced artists. He has great tips on how to draw boats. Dysart Harbour has many areas on offer, as well as boats, the Harbourmaster's House, St Serf's Tower, Pan Ha' houses and parts of the harbour too. This fee for this class is £8 per day, 10 am - 3 pm, with a break for lunch. Further information can be got from Morag Allan on 01592 267641.

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