Last Sunday Jenny Rae, pottery tutor, led a rerun of her previous workshop 'Garden Gargoyle Planters'. Once again this was an excellent workshop, displaying Jenny's knowledge and skills in sculpture. Jenny provided details on how to position all facial features, build bone structure and insert all the facial indentations to create a realistic 3D image. This was quite challenging but very enjoyable and hopefully will inspire people to try more sculpting in the future. All painting and pottery classes have now ended for this term. However things are still happening at Kirkcaldy Art Club. The craft group continue to meet on Wednesday mornings, 10-12 noon. Untutored painting takes place on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 2-4 pm. Also Alison and Stephen are being kept busy in the pottery, loading items waiting to be fired. Several summer school classes will take place over the summer, between April and June. First on offer is a printing class, taking place on Tuesday mornings, 10 am - 12.30 pm from Tuesday 17th April for four consecutive weeks. There is one place left in this class for anyone interested. Also from Tuesday 17th April, but in the afternoons, 2-4pm, for six consecutive weeks, Catherine Lindow will lead this class, in sketching (some outdoors) and painting indoors at the art club. Art club Tutor, May Snaddon, will lead a painting challenge - 'Two paintings in Two Days' over two days, Monday 23rd April and Thursday 26th April. There are four spaces left in this class. The full programme of Summer school classes will appear on our website, These classes are open to non members and are like taster sessions for people to try out new skills. Information is also available from Morag Allan on 01592 267641.